Case details

R v Copeland (AP) (Appellant)

Judgment date

11 Mar 2020

Neutral citation number

[2020] UKSC 8

Case ID

UKSC 2019/0089


Lord Reed, Lord Carnwath, Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lord Sales, Lord Hamblen

Judgment details

Watch Judgment summary
11 Mar 2020 Judgment summary
Watch hearing
27 Jan 2020 Morning session Afternoon session

Reporting restrictions

R v Copeland (AP) (Appellant)

Case ID: UKSC 2019/0089


(1) In accordance with section 37 of the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996, the following reporting restrictions continue to apply.

Until the conclusion of the criminal proceedings or further order of this court or the Crown Court, nothing may be reported except the following:

  1. the identity of the court(s) and the name of the judge(s);
  2. the name, age, home address and occupation of the accused;
  3. the offences, or a summary of them, with which the accused is charged;
  4. the names of counsel and solicitors engaged in the appeal
  5. whether for the purposes of the appeal representation was provided to the accused under Part 1 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012