
Application for Permission to Appeal

Julian Assange v Swedish Judicial Authority
16 December 2011

The Supreme Court has today considered an application by Julian Assange for permission to appeal to the Court, following the Divisional Court's certification of a point of law of general public importance.

A panel of three Supreme Court Justices - Lord Hope, Lord Mance and Lord Dyson - has considered the written submissions of the parties; this is the Court's usual practice for considering applications for permission to appeal.

The Supreme Court has granted permission to appeal and a hearing has been scheduled for two days, beginning on 1 February 2012.

The Court has decided that seven Justices will hear the appeal given the great public importance of the issue raised, which is whether a prosecutor is a judicial authority.

Details of the Justices who will hear the case and the timings of the hearing will be published in the new year.