Registry update

Registry update

23 March 2020

The Registries of the Supreme Court and of the JCPC are now operating remotely and the building is closed until further notice. If you have any questions which are not answered by the points below please email the registry on or and a member of staff will contact you.


Hearings are being conducted via video conferencing facilities and parties will have been contacted with the necessary information. Hearings will be live streamed as usual although there may be a slight delay before the video on demand recording is available.

Papers for hearings

Papers for hearings must be supplied electronically. The electronic bundle should be emailed to the relevant registry as a downloadable link as soon as it is available.

Papers for filing

All documents, forms and notices etc should be sent to the registry electronically until further notice. Parties should email their documents to the relevant registry and the document will be treated as having been filed on the next business day. If the document carries a fee, please contact the registry for our bank details.


Orders will be issued electronically as usual but will not be sealed.

Time limits

Time limits will be applied flexibly and parties should bear in mind the provision of the overriding objective of the Rules that unnecessary disputes over procedural matters are discouraged.

Applications for an extension of time

There is no need to make a formal application for an extension of time for any period of less than 3 weeks, unless the application relates to a hearing which is listed in the 6 weeks from the date of the application. Please just email the relevant registry with details making sure to copy all parties into the email.

Urgent applications

Parties should contact the Registrar if an application is genuinely urgent. The relevant registry should be copied into the email.

Useful links